Oxford Australia Blog

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Category: Psychology

  • Kvetching about time – what it is and why the wealthy are more prone to doing it

    Kvetching about time – what it is and why the wealthy are more prone to doing it

    An excerpt from Spending Time – The Most Valuable Resource by Daniel Hamermesh. Daniel will be appearing at the UNSW Bookshop at 2pm today. Kvetch, a Yiddish word now widely used in English, means “to complain or gripe habitually.” And a favorite complaint is that someone is stressed for time. One definition of stress is…

  • Child voice and participation in decision-making relating to research, policy and practice

    By Rebekah Grace In the late 1990s I was working on my PhD research, which focused on the experiences of children and adolescents with Tourette’s syndrome. I came to know an insightful young man—let’s call him Jared—who drew a picture to describe what it’s like to be a nine-year-old boy who has a lot of…

  • The pitfalls of following the herd

    Behavioural Economics: A Very Short Introduction author Michelle Baddeley talks to ABC Radio National Life Matters program about ‘Why we herd and how it can harm us’. In the interview, Baddeley discusses the tendency of people to blindly follow the herd, and the pitfalls of this behaviour, which might be at play in overheated housing…

  • Tell me a story

    Elaine Reese, Professor of Psychology at the University of Otago, discusses the value of family storytelling in improving children’s language and communication skills. We all know that reading books to our young children is good for them. Teachers, pediatricians, and former First Ladies all tout the value of reading to kids. Contrary to conventional wisdom,…