Oxford Australia Blog

Sharing our love of education, language, and books

Month: January 2015

  • Have you made a resolution for 2015?

    It’s that time again: new year, new you. Some of the staff here at Oxford have made resolutions and not all of them are about reading more in 2015 (well, maybe some are!) They share them here: I’ve resolved to say yes to new and slightly scary opportunities. Cate, Design I have a really silly (but I…

  • Oxford Word of the Month – January: Fridging

    Fridging – noun: the act of stealing from an outdoor refrigerator. In 2010 a number of newspaper reports from Western Australia and Queensland made reference to certain criminal activities described as fridging. The activity involves stealing items from outdoor refrigerators, and the word derives from fridge, an abbreviation of refrigerator. The first evidence for fridging…